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We are interested in wide sharing of knowledge about “Golder Era” of motorcycles.

That’s whThat’s why “Motorworld by V. Sheyanov” offers you become a guide. The opportunity is opened for professional guides and members of the international club of Motomir’s friends.

We are ready to provide free admission and commission from guided tours.

The commission rate will be higher for better educated guides. The education level of each guide is measured by Motorworld by V. Sheyanov employee while certification process.

The obligatory provision to become a guide is to complete the certification under the guidance of Motorworld employee.

Certification order:

  1. Get acquainted with the materials of the website, the Motorworld YouTube channel.
  2. The obligatory course consists of:
  3. Collection concept
  4. Description of motorcycles
  5. Books from our library
  6. “The fastest Indian” movie
  7. Motorworld price list

As extra, you have to know:

  1. Basis of motorcycle construction, Second World War  history
  2. Information about 14 countries that were producing motorycles during the “Golden Era” (Wikipedia-level of knowledge)
  • You can choose one sub-collection out of 5 and complete the certification course only for it. But in that case your tours are limited by that line.
  • Contact us if you are ready for certification by phone or e-mail and we will provide you a list of questions.
  • Certification is absolutely free, but we need you to give us suggestions on website improvements or any other investment in enhancement of provided services.